
The Holy Spirit

Our Purpose

Hey Catholics is an online presence and platform for Catholics to meet and practice the Catholic faith. There are two streams, male and female. We are self-supporting through our online membership. Hey Catholics adheres to the Catechism of the Catholic Church and has no opinion on anything not referenced in the Catechism. Our hope is to share our Catholic beliefs, practices, scripture, and traditions so to become great Catholics (Disciples of Christ).


“My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be My disciples.”     John 15:8

Hey Catholics is simply the mechanism that will bring Catholics together for our purpose (above).  During our time together, we ask the Holy Spirit to help us express our hope, faith, and charity to each other - we pray He will be glorified.

Note: If you are Catholic and would like to become more knowledgeable about your faith and/or better understand such practices as the Apostles’ Creed, please consider a Faith Formation Course.  There are numerous courses available; however, the Knights of Columbus has an excellent course online for anyone interested. It is free and will bring you up to speed: https://www.kofc.org/en/who-we-are/our-faith/cis/faith-formation.html

Virtual meeting practices (Etiquette and manners)

  1. Regardless of the type of meeting, praise and worship has to be the top priority. We must remember we are in the presence of God.
  2. Respect the meeting owner or host and follow their meeting guidelines.
  3. Test your connection, screen, and equipment before the meeting.
  4. Arrive at the meeting on time.
  5. Please keep your line muted when not reading aloud or sharing.
  6. Please plan to have your camera on and use your first names unless the meeting owner says otherwise.
  7. Dress appropriately and refrain from activities that might cause distraction.
  8. When sharing we speak in the first person (we speak only for ourselves using “I & me” statements, and not “we” or “you”)
  9. In participation, we avoid topics that can lead to dissension or distraction.
  10. We avoid cross-talk, meaning addressing one another directly or interrupting another’s share.

Discussion Board

Hey Catholics has a discussion board to facilitate communication among members of the platform. It is a great tool to promote meetings, ideas, and personal sharing.  It is set up so the members are anonymous (we use our username). Please respect everyone’s anonymity.

Please follow similar rules of etiquette mentioned above on the Discussion Board as in the meetings. Let’s remember that the Hey Catholics platform is family-rated. We hope that the youth, with the guidance of their parents/guardians, will participate.                                                                            

The Hey Catholics team is here to help in any way we can. Please reach out at any time – every comment or question is important and we want to support you:  email  info@heycatholics.com

God bless.